I’m referencing the Unity C# documentation here.
When using WWW.audioClip in the editor (Unity 5.4), it works fine (build is set to android). However, once I build and run the APK on an actual device, there is no sound. Other sounds work, but anything using WWW.audioClip won’t work. I’m using mp3 files that I uploaded to a server to avoid using memory.
Sample url →
Code snippet:
void Start(){
// No changes made from unity docs here
// allClips is an array of strings (urls in the same form as above)
WWW www = new WWW (musicURLs.allClips[songCounter] );
source = GetComponent<AudioSource> ();
source.clip = www.audioClip;
// this is attached to a button, so that when you click it the clip will play
public void playMusicStream(){
// now play
if (!source.isPlaying && source.clip.isReadyToPlay)
source.Play ();
I have a domain name tied to the server address, so switching to http://preciousperfect.com/music/kpop/haruHaru1.mp3 would map to the same place (haven’t tried this).
- The app already gets access to network privileges, so I don’t think it’s a problem with being allowed to access an external link.
- I don’t think it’s an internal issue. I think I’m missing something and I’m doing this incorrectly, but I couldn’t find anything about this online.
Any solutions/guidance will be greatly appreciated!