WWW caches the image it downloads?

Hello All,

I was wondering whether it can be cached when you use WWW class to get an image from web.

e.g. we’re making a social game which requires to load tons of profile images from Facebook.

and I certainly don’t want to re-download them all the time. Can anyone explain how caching works with WWW images?

Hey Tion80,

Not sure if this helps but I read with interest that regardless of license type the cache for downloaded stuff has been increased to 50MB as of Unity 3.2 - check out this, last item on Major Features:

Caching: the caching feature is now usable by all content, with or without a special license. Unlicensed content will share a single 50 MB Cache folder.

I think that means WWW cahced stuff maybe, er hopefully!



iPete: That has nothing to do with iOS at all, that caching mechanism is in relation to the webplayer only where you previously didn’t get access to that cache without the webplayer cache addon license

tion: To cache data you download through WWW use System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes with www.bytes data to store them into the documents or caches folder of your application and load it from there later on again with WWW