WWW class proxy....

Hi, I’m facing the following problem… Our game (compiled as Windows or Mac app, so not running via plugin) is accessing some data via php pages using the WWW class; everything works fine until the computer on which the game is running is not connected to the internet via a proxy…
At this point the game is not accessing the php pages anymore…
On the docs there is no mention of using proxies with WWW class…
I’ve seen that other users already found this problem, but no solution…
I’m wondering it’s “a bug or a feauture” of Unity…
Can anybody help please ?

It’s a bug. When using OsX It will properly pick up a proxy when running as a webplayer, but ignores it when running as a standalone build. Not sure about the behavior on winblows.

File a report of your own, the unitoids love bug reports!

Same behaviour also on windoze… hard to tell if it’s a bug or a feature… in any case I filed a bug report to the Unity crew…

Was this bug ever completed or logged as a feature request?

The windows behavior is the same and not a bug.

The reason is simple: As webplayer, unity will use the browsers HTTP and as such all configurations you have.
When being a standalone it will use something own, which does not read the OSs configuration for proxy and thus ignore it completely

AngryAnt explained here that in Webplayer builds, WWW piggybacks on the browser’s proxy settings. I pinged support about it and I think Lucas said he would look into getting proxy support for standalones, but don’t take that as gospel. So it’s a known issue, if not a “bug” in the traditional sense, but it probably wouldn’t hurt to ask for it again. I didn’t immediately find an entry for Proxy support for WWW in standalones in feedback.unity3d.com, but you might have a look or create it yourself.