www data returns null even when isDone is true

Hi I’m trying to read html data to my app like the codes below.

But I realize sometimes(which is even more frustrating) www.data is blank even though I try to use yield state or take advantage of isDone variable. It seems to me that loading is apparently done, but www.data doesn’t have anything within it.

Is this a bug of Unity?

var wwwHtml :WWW;
function Start()
	yield Search("kalbi");
	yield Search("Bush");
	yield Search("General+kim");
	yield Search("dog");
	yield Search("tofu");
	yield Search("Bush");
	yield Search("General+kim");
	yield Search("cat");

function Search(str : String)
	var query="http://images.google.com/images?q="+str+"&hl=en&imgsz=Medium";
	var wwwHtml= new WWW (query);
	yield wwwHtml;	

Have you tried checking www.error?

Nope. www.error is null, for loading is correctly done. (at least it seems done) Check out the attached image.

Are you sure you aren’t hitting an issue with Google not allowing several hits per second from one IP? Try it on a static HTML file on your own server as a test.

The funny thing is that it really depends on a query word. I got 100% success with “Tofu”, but with “kim” every trial failed.

Okay, i just switched to yahoo image search and it works great :slight_smile: