WWW display movie from url but no sound?! - help


I have theis code which displays a movie from a url , but it doesnt play any sound. I have tried 2 approached but doesn’t like it for some reason…

I have tried [RequiredComponent (typeof (AudioSource))] but didnt seem to want to work.

I then tried adding an instance of AudioSource AS; in to the code but not working doesn’t throw any issues just doesnt play the sound. this is the code:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System;
//[RequireComponent (typeof(AudioSource))]
public class PlayMovie : MonoBehaviour {

public MovieTexture movieTwo;
public string url = “http://www.mindfulness-health.co.uk/test/one.ogv”;
public WWW www;
public AudioSource AS;
IEnumerator Start () {
movieTwo = new MovieTexture();
www = new WWW(url);
yield return www;
movieTwo = www.movie;
GetComponent().material.mainTexture = movieTwo;
AS = new AudioSource();
AS.clip = movieTwo.audioClip;
AS.volume = 1f;

I have now used the example listed here and the movie loads fine but still not getting any audio…

Any suggestion welcome as no errors are bring thrown and i can see the audio clip is set on the audio source in the editor but no sound…



I just played http://www.mindfulness-health.co.uk/test/one.ogv with regular player, and it doesn’t contain any sound, I just hear somekind of noise, I think your video might be broken.

Yeah that’s super odd… I also have a …/one.mp4 which has sound… but can’t get that to work either… will double check though… Thanks for highlighting that though.