Hıı ı wanna store the url ın a txt fıle and want the plane to load thıs url…
Pleaseeeee help …ı dont know php
Hıı ı wanna store the url ın a txt fıle and want the plane to load thıs url…
Pleaseeeee help …ı dont know php
Don’t know what you mean by this, but so far what I get is that you wouldn’t need php at all for this.
I think you’re taking the piss a bit. I’ve seen you post a lot now and you’re not making any effort whatsoever to read the docs. The www docs even have an example for this, making it trivial to load an image from the web for use in your game.
Here are the docs: Unity - Scripting API: WWW.texture
Please consider reading the docs every day, just a random page will do. When I started unity in earnest I would read everything in sight. If I saw someone post on forums, I would look up the solution myself just to teach me as well.
The same can be done for text.
i have gone through this tutorial before. But i am not looking for this. I am looking beyond this point. I want this url to be stored in a text or xml and web player / exe should load url from this txt / xml. I dont find any example like this. I googled a lot.
If asking help on forum is frustrating for senior members then i might never go for the next thread. I am really sorry.
So you have to
Which part do you have problems with?
Make an effort to write some code and tell us where you are stuck.