WWW object has doesnt return the full string

Im trying to fetch a JSON from this service:

you can see that in the browser it returns a pretty long json.

tried to get it into unity in UTF-8 charset with this code:

IEnumerator GetNews()
	WWW www = new WWW("http://haimtest.azurewebsites.net/MuseumService.asmx/GetNews");
			yield return 0;

the problem is that www.text doesnt have the full text that the service returns but only the first 454 chars of it:

I think you may need to alter the code to look like this:

IEnumerator GetNews() {
    WWW www = new WWW("http://haimtest.azurewebsites.net/MuseumService.asmx/GetNews");
    yield return www;

Ok i found the problem.
The service returned a text in utf-8 but something went wrong with the encoding there and for some reason the browser read it ok but unity didnt.

i just encoded the string differently on the service to return this:

insted of just a string