WWW to POST data to WCF Rest Service

I have a WCF REST service made with the rest starter kit. Using WWWForm I get no error from the www.error but my server is responding that the parametrized query was not correctly formed (missing parameters)

In Fiddler the following works as a POST (but I have to specify the Content-Length header):


Here is the code that gives me the above parameter missing issue:

string url = "http://servername.com/Players/AddPlayer";
WWWForm form = new WWWForm();
		form.AddField("name", "value1");
		form.AddField("email", "value2");
		form.AddField("phone", "value2");

WWW www = new WWW(url, form);

IEnumerator WaitForRequest(WWW www)
		yield return www;
		if(www.error == null)
			Debug.Log("WWW OK: " + www.text + www.error);	
			Debug.Log("WWW NO: " + www.error);


if I change the url to be the full url (http://servername.com/Players/AddPlayer?name=Pedro&email=pedro@pedro.com&phone=1231231234) then I get a response 400 bad request, probably because it is sending as a GET and not a POST. I’ve been at this for hours and can’t figure out what the problem is… Thanks in advance for any help!

You’re passing the data in two ways. The difference is subtle but crucial.

This passes your data in the query string:


This passes your data in form fields:

    WWWForm form = new WWWForm();
    form.AddField("name", "value1");
    form.AddField("email", "value2");
    form.AddField("phone", "value2");

Both options are a set of key-value pairs, but many web applications handle them separately. For example, here’s a quick discussion explaining how PHP handles the two.