WWW/WWWForm doesn't return error when not connect

My app was rejected today because it doesn’t give proper notification when trying to access highscores without an internet connection.

On the Desktop, if you disable wireless, the WWW class returns an error when it’s unable to connect.

On the iPhone, if I put it into airplane mode… it just sits there indefinitely.

How have others worked around this issue?

Had the same issue and got my game Bubble Bang rejected because of that. What I did in the end was just displaying a “connecting to highscore server…” text while I was fireing up the www class and trying to connect. Further it’s a good thing to set up a timer to cancel the www request after 10 seconds or so. Hope it helps.

Our SpacePig game had the same rejection and when compiled with version 1.0.0 it did work providing an immediate error.

As a simple work around you can just loop for a timeout duration, and if the reply is null at the end of it, call your own time out behavior.

Have you sent it as a bug using Report Bug app?