Hey peoples. If any of you who win the X800 XT and don’t have a Power Mac G5 are so grashious as to want to give it away or sell it to me for a good price let me know. Jeff
That is the plan on our end.
… wasn’t there a saying about skinning the graphics card before it was shot, or something…?
or on my part making the arrows… lol
If I win I will probably end up keeping the prizes, I need a Unity license (comon DaveyJJ, you already have one :p), and my G5 will like an X800
I should’ve added “if we are fortunate enough to win a prize.” Not trying to imply anything and don’t want to upset anyone here at all. Really. This has always been my whole issue with zero-sum games: someone loses, that’s why I liked D&D better than Monopoly, I guess.
EDIT – I also updated my website’s news page urging people to download widgets and vote! I kept the posting very neutral and am trying my best to promote the contest to as many folks as happen by our site. It’s here if anyone wants to read it … widgetmonkeys.com
Don’t worry DaveyJJ, we all understand and wish you the best of luck As well as everyone else who entered. Its great to see all the sweet stuff. Well if you win and are interested in getting rid of the X800 let me know. Jeff
I know this is never going to happen but (I keep hoping that) if someone wants to get rid of the Unity (Pro) they won (for a good price), let me know . Just e-mail me at nicolasdejaeghere@skynet.be .
So are any of the winners interested? Jeff
I plan on keeping mine…
Now just waiting for the guys to ask for my mailing address :lol:
Yeah, but no one dies in Monopoly. :mrgreen:
But characters rarely died in my games either, unless they did something really stupid like attacking and killing a town guard forgetting that: a) half the townsfolk were most likely related to him and would be howling for revenge; b) half the people within 10 miles of the town were related to him, and would be howling for revenge; and c) the local leader would most likely put a price on their heads and have patrols out looking for them. Mine was a rather less fantastic and more working world.