Is there a standard way to use the xbox 360 controller with unity’s first person controller script.
My problems.
I’ve hooked it up to my mac mini but the mouse look doesn’t work unless I got into the project menu settings and change the input controls to this.(I’ve installed the mac driver and it recognises it fine)
Thanks can you give an example? I managed to map most of the buttons but the mouse look, i.e the right stick only works on the joypad not the mouse move.
I also have some other questions regarding standard inputs for xbox controller playstation controllers etc, will they all accept different codes?
I appreciate the code will be different for different operating systems and that is not an issue as you only target one OS at a time. But you could have an xbox controller or playstation controller or something else on your mac.
Add this as another Input, keep the other Mouse X too (for mouse), do the same for Mouse Y. You may need to change the axis’s as I am using a ps2 controller so this works for my analog sticks.