Hello Guys …
Does anyone know how long Unity take to gave access to XBox Forum ? I have already everything from Microsoft, i have a Pro plan, Microsoft sent request to Unity more than a a week ago and i had no answer at all…
Arthur - OlineObject
I don’t know how long it takes, but try emailing to our support? they can probably investigate for you.
I don’t know how it’s the quality of support, nonetheless, i’ve already opened a ticket for another question more than 72 hour ago and still had no answer at all.
For a U$ 1.8 k year service, isn’t the client his priority unfortunelly.
But i’m going to open another to check if i may have better luck this time.
Thank you for you help
Let me look into this for you. Sounds like some wires got crossed, it should not be taking this long.
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Looks like they granted access to you earlier today. Apologies for the delays, we’re following up internally why it took so long…