Xbox Live Plugin (Creator Program) not working with Unity 5.6.2.f1


i managed to get the Xbox Live Plugin working with Unity 5.6.1f1, but for some reasons my game crashes when build in Visual Studio 2017, i tried several thing but couldn`t find the problem. So i updated to Unity 5.6.2f1 and my game works fine again, but now the Xbox Live Plugin shows following error in Unity:

The Visual Studio 2017 Tools.unitypackage is already imported.

Can anyone help me with this? Thanks!

Here you said you fixed it by importing the VSTU package: Xbox Creator Program plugin - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions

Did it break again after upgrading unity? Does reimporting VSTU package not work?

Yes, upgrading unity broke it again.
It was working fine in 5.6.1 but I needed to upgrade to 5.6.2 and then it didn’t work anymore. I tried of course reimporting it but it didn’t change anything.


I’m the dev lead for the Tools for Unity and would like to help :slight_smile:

The Visual Studio 2017 Tools.unitypackage file should only be used if you’re using a Unity version before 5.2, which is definitely not your case. It should not be imported, and should be deleted from your Assets folder.

The compilation issue you’re seeing ultimately means that Unity and Visual Studio are not wired together.

Please make sure that:

  • In the Visual Studio 2017 installer, the “Game Development with Unity” option is selected.
  • In Unity, make sure that the Visual Studio 2017 you installed with the “Game Development with Unity” is selected to be the External Script Editor. (Edit → Preferences → External Tools).

When that’s done, you can check in Unity’s about window, it should tell you that the Visual Studio Tools for Unity are loaded.

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Many thanks! :smile:

Selecting Visual Studio as External Script Editor did the job! I did not know that this was a mandatory step to get the Xbox Live Plugin running.

Hey jbevain,
i would need your help again… :roll_eyes:

We managed to get the leaderboard working, but we have an issue:
We have put the Leaderboard Example Scene as a separate scene into our game, when you enter it the first time everything works fine, user gets logged in, leaderboard entries are shown and stat panel shows value and score can be submitted.

But when you exit this scene (go back to game scene) and re-enter the leaderboard scene again, user is still logged in and leaderboard entries are also shown (which is fine), but the stat panel does not show the value and you can also not submit a (higher) score.

Version of the plugin: 1707 Release

Do you have any advice? Thanks in advance!

Do you mind filing this as an issue on the Xbox Live SDK issues page?

If you want to file it specifically for the Unity plugins, you can file it here:

Once it gets filed the Xbox Live team developing the plugins will take a look.

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