XBox One Build (UWP) + Unity Profiler


I am developing a game for XBox One. I am able to run an UWP build on console but I cannot start Unity Profiler connection from my PC for optimization purposes. I type in IP address of console in Profiler, then it starts scanning ports for given address and after that nothing happens. The same problem occurs when using new Memory Profiler.

Is it possible to remotely connect Unity Profiler to the UWP build running on XBox One?

Thanks for help.

It should work, did you enable the networking capabilities in the application manifest? UWP applications aren’t allowed to hit the network without declaring that they’re going to do so in the manifest.

Enabling network capabilities solved the problem. Thank you. :slight_smile:

Just to be clear here, did you mean these?

I’ve ticked them and entered the Xbox’s IP address, but I’m entirely failing to connect the profiler, and as the game’s running at 2fps, I really do need to!

Yes. Is Xbox connected to the same ethernet network as your computer? Or are they both on Wifi?

If the game is running at 2 FPS, did you by any chance deploy the debug config?

It turns out that I needed to enable PrivateNetworkClientServer in the Publishing Settings of the Player to get the necessary setup.

And Im afraid Im at least 98% sure that I’m in Release, and just suffering from how slow this 2013 piece of hardware is!