Xbox One controller buttons fire multiple times only when two controllers connected

This doesn’t happen in the editor, but once I get into Visual Studio and when I deploy to Xbox One this becomes an issue.

With one controller, everything works great. Once I turn on a second controller, any button press for “Submit” triggers multiple times (even if I try to just tap the button, on the same controller that just worked great a second ago) and then I am unable to open menus without the controller selecting something on the next page automatically.

This has never been a problem, and I am using essentially the same input setup in Unity that has worked for a few years.

I posted in the “Help Room” but haven’t had a response there. Any help or suggestions would be great. Thanks!

How are you reading controller input? Does this also happen on the same UWP build on PC?

I don’t have a way to post images, but I have my input setup for “Submit” using the positive button “joystick button 0” for the a button on the controller like below:

  • Name: Submit

  • Positive Button: joystick button 0

  • Gravity: 3

  • Dead: 0.001

  • Sensitivity: 3

  • Type: Key or Mouse Button

  • Axis: X axis

  • Joy Num: Get Motion from all Joysticks

On the UI.Button, I am using the “OnClick” function to call my menu change.

It is like it is firing on the “press” instead of the release?

In the “Event System” I have it currently set to 5 input actions per second, and a delay of 0.5, but that only seems to help in the editor. It is in VS/PC and Xbox where it triggers like crazy.

Firing on press isn’t horrible, but since it then repeats before I even release it is essentially breaking everything when the second controller is active. It is so strange :slight_smile:

Indeed, and if it only happens when 2 controllers are plugged in, could we get a bug report?

Sorry, the Standalone Input Module is also looking for the “Submit” input name for the “Submit Button” action.

Sure. I don’t have any real bug output I can show, but I can try to detail the problem like I did here.

Now, even when only using one controller it still fires on press as opposed to release, is that not something that anyone else has problems with? When I use the mouse, or the keyboard I am able to “hold” the button down and it doesn’t trigger until release on those controls.

I take that back, the “Enter/Return” buttons do fire on press, only the mouse does not fire on press.

Darn: 875834 says it was fixed in 2017.1. I am running 2018.2.14f1, so perhaps this is a regression?

Don’t you have an example showing that the button is triggered multiple times from a single press?

I can try to screen record. However, it looks like I don’t have a way to post a bug regardless. Perhaps that is reserved for Pro users only?

No, everybody can report bugs. Read this:

Ok, bug report submitted with video of the issue while in VS and then a few screenshots of my Input setup and one of the UI.Button items in the editor, just to make sure it isn’t something I am doing accidentally.

Case 1099111

Thanks again for your help!

Tautvydas-Zilys, do you know if anyone else has had this issue? I still can’t figure out what is happening here, but did submit the bug report.

I’ve not heard about it before, no. Our QA should get back to you shortly and look at it.

This looks to be the same as the bug I had in September. GetButtonDown and GetKeyDown true every frame on Xbox One

I recall QA saying it was fixed in 2018.3 but I have not been able to test it yet. As of 2018.2.17f1 the issue still exists. However, in my case, I can reproduce it without connecting a second controller.

I’m having the same issue, using the latest Unity 2018.3.1f1.

If I have only one controller plugged in, I have no issues. But if there are two or more controllers connected, the buttons are firing (just like a GetButton() instead of a GetButtonDown())

Did you found a way to fix this ?
It’s very annoying for my menus on my local-multiplayer game coming on XBox…

Could you also file a bug report with a repro project? QA had issues reproducing the issue.

Here is what I’ve done :

I have created a brand new project in Unity.
I added in the scene an Image and a button.

I created a script that I attached to an empty game object in the scene, with the following code

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class UIManager : MonoBehaviour
   public void ToggleImage(Transform image)

On the button, in the OnClick() parameter, I’ve added the game object with the script and selected the ToggleImage with the image transform.

On the EventSystem, I have set the “First Selected” variable to be the button, and I checked “Force Module Active” in the Standalone Input Module.

In the Editor, everything works fine, meaning anytime I press the button, the image is toggle on or off and nothing more happens if I keep the button hold.

If I export my game on my XBox, then the issue arise.
If I have only one controller plugged, everything works fine. But if I plug a second controller, then when I press my submit button, the image starts flickering, toggling on and off repeatedly.

I didn’t really new what you needed and how to give you what you need, so I created a .rar with everything in (Unity Project, UWP VS Solution and Exported Packages in Release x64) that I have uploaded on my own FTP.

You can download the .rar file here:

Okay, I’ll ping our QA and ask them to reproduce it again.