Xbox sign in fails? Not sure where to look

Hi, and thanks for looking into this. I’ve got an issue with my xbox live coding, where I’m trying to get the user to sign in and it never actually loads the profile gamertag and pic. I have the default setup through the xbox live prefabs, the player authentication prefab is the one I’m using, and I have the ‘uap:SupportedUsersmultiple</uap:SupportedUsers>’ piece of code in my package manifest, inside the properties section.

The issue is that the profile doesn’t actually sign into the game. When you hit the signin button, the list of profiles you have pops up, you choose one, and after it attempts to log you in, it seems to fail. I’m not sure where the problem lies. I should note that I didn’t experience this until I had to reimport my project. After doing so, I noticed the problem and tried to reimport Xbox Live into the project, but still had the same problem. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks

Hi, please try to follow an existing thread at

I hope that you succeed to add the plugin, Cheers…