Xcode 6.3 error, unity 5.0.1, il2cpp

Hello guys. I have a strange error when building ios. Anybody has any ideas.

try without fast but no exception. With safe and slow. Maybe recreate your Xcode project.


It looks like il2cpp.exe is generating C++ code which won’t compile. This is probably a bug on our side. Which version of Unity are you using? Thanks.

I was using 5.0.1. I found a solution - if you start Unity, and than start to build for iOS, everything is ok, but if you make a tiny change to the project, and than build - tons of error in XCODE))) So I edit project, save changes, reopen Unity, build to XCODE - and everything ok)


This is really odd behavior. Nothing in IL2CPP should be re-using anything from a previous build. Are you choosing the “Append” or “Replace” option during the iOS build? I would recommend using the “Replace” option, which should provide a clean directory for the build.

If you are using “Replace” and still see this behavior, I would love to see your project in a bug report so that we can correct this issue. Thanks.

I am using Unity3D 5.0.1 p3. Yes I always choose “Replace” option.


If you can submit a bug report with this project then, I would appreciate it. I would like to track down why this is happening. Thanks.