xCode clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 after removing appLovin plugin

Hello Everyone,

I am getting this error after we deleted the AppLovin Plugin, i still have a backup project with AppLovin in it and the xCode compile just fine. i keep using that project settings but just update the assets in order to release new builds, any help please ?

Thank you

More info
Unity Version : 4.5.4f1
xCode version : 5.1

I tried this answer and it didn’t work :

And for this one i can’t find the files he is talking about (iPhone_View.mm, also i have no PostProcessBuildPlayer file in Assets/Editor) :

Full log of the error :

I am getting this error. Did you ever get an answer?

Does anybody have an answer? I’m having the same problem today.

Does anyone have an answer?

I had the same error for somethig else and did the following:


In Xcode Under the ‘Build Settings’ tab there is a ‘Build Options’ tab. Change the ‘Enable Bitcode’ part to ‘No’


Go the the Finder Menu ‘Go’ and select ‘Go To Folder…’ ( Shortcut is press Shift, Comand & G Button at the same time)

Enter the folllowing text below to get to your hidden library folder:

Delete everything in that folder and restart xcode

If you’ve done all the above, but it’s still not working,
make sure you’ve launched the project via .xcworkspace file, not via .xcodeproj

If you don’t see a file with such an extension, make sure you’ve followed the following steps: