Hi there,
I am just getting into using XCode as a debugger. Up until now, I had not realized XCode points at any error that may occur in script. What I am wondering is, to me, XCode does not tell me much about the error beyond its function title.
See here…
What I am wondering is, from this image, beyond the title of the function, what can I take from this information?
Here is the function…
void brainPokerHitDB(int pokerClassDel){
//sent from dummyPoker on brain projectile
damageGiven = damageGivens[pokerClassDel];///I BELIVE THIS IS THE ERROR, HOWEVER IT IS 100% THIS ARRAY.LENGHT > pokerCLassDel...???
//for audio consitent with this wpn.
//must play audio for this pokerClassDel
if(audioHitMng)///for certain db ex. fatty.