Xcode - Undefined symbol:

I have been trying to build this project for 3 days straight and it is killing me. the project works with AR Core extensions 1.31.0 but once I upgrade the project to AR Core extensions 1.37.0 which is required to utilize the geospatial creator I am unable to compile the project and I get the below errors. I have started a fresh project and installed and compiled with AR Core extensions 1.37.0 and I have gotten geospatial anchoring to work in this fresh project, but I cant seem to resolve this in the existing project. The project builds in unity but once I try to build in Xcode I get the errors towards the end of the build process. I have tried different versions of Xcode, reinstalling cocoa pods and the external dependency resolver, and just about anything else I can think of.

Undefined symbol: _ArAnchor_getTerrainAnchorState

Undefined symbol: _ArConfig_getStreetscapeGeometryMode

Undefined symbol: _ArConfig_setStreetscapeGeometryMode

Undefined symbol: _ArEarth_getGeospatialPose

Undefined symbol: _ArEarth_getPose

Undefined symbol: _ArEarth_resolveAnchorOnRooftopAsync

Undefined symbol: _ArEarth_resolveAnchorOnTerrainAsync

Undefined symbol: _ArEarth_resolveAndAcquireNewAnchorOnTerrain

Undefined symbol: _ArFrame_hitTestRay

Undefined symbol: _ArFuture_cancel

Undefined symbol: _ArFuture_getState

Undefined symbol: _ArFuture_release

Undefined symbol: _ArGeospatialPose_getEastUpSouthQuaternion

Undefined symbol: _ArGeospatialPose_getOrientationYawAccuracy

Undefined symbol: _ArHitResultList_create

Undefined symbol: _ArHitResultList_destroy

Undefined symbol: _ArHitResultList_getItem

Undefined symbol: _ArHitResultList_getSize

Undefined symbol: _ArHitResult_acquireTrackable

Undefined symbol: _ArHitResult_create

Undefined symbol: _ArHitResult_destroy

Undefined symbol: _ArHitResult_getDistance

Undefined symbol: _ArHitResult_getHitPose

Undefined symbol: _ArMesh_getIndexList

Undefined symbol: _ArMesh_getIndexListSize

Undefined symbol: _ArMesh_getVertexList

Undefined symbol: _ArMesh_getVertexListSize

Undefined symbol: _ArMesh_release

Undefined symbol: _ArResolveAnchorOnRooftopFuture_acquireResultAnchor

Undefined symbol: _ArResolveAnchorOnRooftopFuture_getResultRooftopAnchorState

Undefined symbol: _ArResolveAnchorOnTerrainFuture_acquireResultAnchor

Undefined symbol: _ArResolveAnchorOnTerrainFuture_getResultTerrainAnchorState

Undefined symbol: _ArSession_checkVpsAvailabilityAsync

Undefined symbol: _ArSession_getAllTrackables

Undefined symbol: _ArStreetscapeGeometry_acquireMesh

Undefined symbol: _ArStreetscapeGeometry_getMeshPose

Undefined symbol: _ArStreetscapeGeometry_getQuality

Undefined symbol: _ArStreetscapeGeometry_getType

Undefined symbol: _ArTrackableList_acquireItem

Undefined symbol: _ArTrackableList_create

Undefined symbol: _ArTrackableList_destroy

Undefined symbol: _ArTrackableList_getSize

Undefined symbol: _ArTrackable_acquireNewAnchor

Undefined symbol: _ArTrackable_getType

Undefined symbol: _ArVpsAvailabilityFuture_getResult

Delete the Editor folder in ExtensionsAssets. It creates version-specific files at build time, so whenever upgrading ARCore Extensions, some of these files need to be recreated.

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Iā€™m having the same problem, any solution please?