Xcode's NIBs interaction with Unity

How to make NIBs interact with Unity. Say I have different tabs in Xcode project for different levels/settings etc of game. Now how pressing any tab can take me to Unity scene along with the tabs incontact :?:

I am interested to the question ,

It won’t be a simple thing.

One thing required is a communication pipeline through the playerprefs - there is no alternative way to talk from and to unity without that

Then you need to pause unity whenever you something else or the app will crash as unity is not interested in what else you do. It assumes that the state is the correct one, which is define as “the app when you didn’t touch the xcode files”

Anything above that will need experimentation I fear, don’t think there are too many who attempted to use additional views so there is likely not too much experience around on the question what problems you might have to face and how to tackle them

able to do something like this would be very useful for many developers, able to enter and exit from unity is not a bad idea, we could do a lot of interesting things .


We used playerprefs.

Unity iPhone Enhancement is beatyfull

but I want to learn to program a game, do not copy and paste, it is certainly useful when you are in hurry, now I am not in a hurry, but when I need that package 100% I buy .

bliprob is great Developer .

Thanks scinfu!

I started a new command for the pack where you can specify the name of a XIB file (containing a view) to load, and it will load and display the view over the game. When the XIB is closed, it will return to you a list of all of the controls in that view, and their value.

It’s working except for the fact that there’s no way to get the name of the controls. As far as I know, the “Interface builder name” for a control isn’t available to the objects after they’ve been reconstituted from the XIB. So maybe just a list of control indices and values.

Would that be useful? Or is it too generic?

Thanx psychicparrot bliprob for sharing your knowledge.

It will be of great help 8) , if things can be further explained.

bliprob thanks for the help and knowledge sharing …

This is a beautiful community . :wink:

I could use that right this second.

Sounds very interesting :slight_smile:
“too generic” does not exist, only “too specialized” :slight_smile:

Any development on this? I’d like to be able to load XIB with unity now and have the Enhancement pack. Not sure the best route yet.