TL;DR version: How to read attributes in an XML file that are children of an element which itself is a child?
I have a XML file that contains data of various items.
The XML file looks like this:
<item name="Item 1" value="10" weight="3.0">
<mods healthMod="0" staminaMod="0" manaMod="0"></mods>
<item name="Item 2" value="20" weight="5.0">
<mods healthMod="10" staminaMod="0" manaMod="0"></mods>
So,as you can see, the item “base node” has attributes like value and weight. There is also a child element that contains attributes like healthMod, staminaMod and manaMod.
I have created a class that will hold the deserialized data:
public class ItemDirectory {
public Item[] items;
I can successfully read all elements and attributes from the item base nodes with this code:
Dictionary<string,Item> itemDictionary;
public static void FillItemDictionary() {
itemDictionary = new Dictionary<string,Item>();
item = new Item();
string path = "C:/items.xml";
var xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ItemDirectory));
var stream = File.Open(path, FileMode.Open);
var deserializedItems = xmlSerializer.Deserialize(stream) as ItemDirectory;
for(int i = 0; i < deserializedItems.items.Length; i++) {
Item itemCur = deserializedItems.items*;*
itemDictionary.Add (, itemCur);*
//Debug.Log("Item " + i + " name: " + + " Value: " + itemCur.value);*
//Debug.Log(itemDictionary["Item 1"].value);*
Thereby, it read the items in the XML file and assigns them to a dictionary of items using the Item class:
public class Item { -
public string name = “”;*
[XmlAttribute(“type”)] *
public string type;*
public int value = 0;*
public float weight = 0.0f;*
public int healthMod = 0;*
public int staminaMod = 0;*
public int manaMod = 0;*
However, this does NOT appear to read and/or assign the nested attributes inside the “mods” element: healthMod, staminaMod, manaMod. How do I do this?