I have then created two empty game objects under my VR Camera, a right hand and a left hand. Both of those I’ve added the XR Controller and set the Controller Node to left hand / right hand.
I found the issue. When you create the controller prefab, make sure that the position of the prefab is (0,0,0). For me, it wasn’t set that way, hence the persistent offset. Hope this helps others!
Oh boy! First of all I am super stoked that you are in Unity, and for the first time! Second of all, VR is WAY more complicated to operate than anything else. #1, learn Unity’s core features and how the game engine works before anything else, aka read read read and experiment with the documentation. #2, create small and fun little things to make yourself better, #3, if you don’t already know how to code, work on that. After you’ve become some kind of proficient and feel like you grasp things THEN you can jump on to VR. Your journey is just begninning, this is going to be so fun for you if you are willing to scale your obstacles!