I am running in Unity 2022.3.5, XR Interaction Toolkit 2.4.0, XR Hands 1.2.1,
The Hand option in the Device Simulator is disabled, I can’t tab to it. “Hand Tracking Capability” is checked under Simulator Settings on the Device Simulator.
Any help is much appreciated!
Hey there, the hand tracking subsystem will not work if a) there’s no hands package installed or b) there are no hands (from the device or our simulated one).
Could you please tell us what do you mean when you say
"Hand Tracking Capability" is checked under Simulator Settings on the Device Simulator.
Do you have a screenshot of this option you can share with us?
Hi there!
The current behaviour of the simulator’s tab is HMD → Left → Right. “Left” and “Right” can be either a controller or a hand. To toggle between controllers and hands, you hit “H”. You cannot tab your way from HMD → Controller → Hand. Is that what you were trying?
In addition, make sure you have the “Hands Visualizer” installed under the Hands package.
Let me know if that helps!

Ok, it’s working now, I need to press “H”
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Hi, I just ran into a different problem. When I build the APK for the Quest, the simulator is in there unless I manually go into “Project Settings” → “XR Plug-in Management” → “XR Interaction Toolkit” and uncheck “Use XR Device Simulator in scenes”. The weird thing is that I swear it wasn’t doing this a couple of days ago when I first checked it.