Hi, we tested XR hands related code with PolySpatial 0.1.0 on real device with seed 1 and it was working fine, but when we’ve updated PolySpatial package to 0.1.2, XR Hands stopped working, do you know what could be wrong?
Could you elaborate more on what stopped working or what went wrong? Were you still getting hand joint data?
Sure, yes we were not able to get hand joints data anymore.
We could not get hand skeleton tracking to work with Unity and Seed 1 device at all. We tried the Polyspatial AR/MixedReality Sample (0.1.0, 0.1.2) and XR Hand Visualizer Sample (1.2.1) but no luck with either.
All we saw was a single static cube with arrows, but no hands. It seems that joint information was received (HandVisualizer. UpdateJoints is called for one hand on 0.1.0, for two hands on 0.1.2) but it was not visualized or functional in any way. Did we do something incorrectly? We tried using a bounded space with 1x1x1 and 2x2x2 sizes.
ARKit hand data (from XR hands package) will never be available in an app in bounded mode. ARKit data (including hands) is only available in unbounded mode.
We just released new packages (0.2.2) that work with device seed 2 and xcode 15 beta 5. If you can update your packages and dev tools and see if that fixes some of the issues you were seeing.
Hi, @DanMillerU3D its really strange, because it
s working (not stable), we even have a build where it was possible to get data from hands and in the build we already track and recognize different gesture, and was able to play in bounded mode only with hands without any extra buttons or UI.
Thanks for the update, we will check and back to you.
We’d love to have working hands in bounded mode as well (at least in terms of having access to gestures).
This is a platform restriction for ARKit on VisionOS and how / when you can get access to ARKit data.
On the Unity side:
Bounded mode = Shared space
Unbounded mode = Immersive space
The WWDC talk Meet ARKit for spatial computing
describes these limitations but also recommend submitting feedback to Apple via the feedback assistant for these sort of request.