I am using the XR Plugins for Quest. I can test in play mode and such, and am just starting out, so bear with me if this is a silly question.
I have been trying to figure out how I can show a touch controller like the other Quest games. I understand it involves picking a prefab object on the XR Rig > LeftHand Controller (and RightHand Controller) objects. I get that I can put a sphere or other object and let the players see their hands that way. However, I am trying to figure out if there is a way to show a model/live feedback of the real Quest Touch controllers.
I have tried downloading the Oculus package from the Asset Store to comb it for models. Most of the controllers there are for the Rift or other models. (I only own a Quest, so not sure what those really look like, but they don’t match the ones I have in real meat space.)
The closest I can find are in an obscure folder, Oculus > SampleFramework > Core > TouchControllers > NewTouchControllers where there are two models of what look like my touch controller. However these are just 3d models, unshaded, and while they line up if dropped on LeftHand Controller, they don’t indicate any buttons or even look right since they lack a texture/material setting.
One directory above, there is a “LeftControllerPf” (and right one), but these look like Rift/other controllers when dropped into the scene.
The latest youtube stuff all points me to hand tracking and placing modeled hands, as does the asset store. This is great and all but for world design and logical control reasons I want the player to be holding Quest Touch controllers.
How do I get started helping the quest players see their controls? The quest games I’ve played (mostly tutorial or mild exploration games) all seem to have the same “3D model” with some animation capabilities for lighting up when a button is held/touched. For example, if I place my finger over a button most games will light up that button to let me know I’m touching that part of the controller in meat space.
I’d like to know how to recreate that level of controller feedback/representation for the users of my own game. Where can I get started? Surely everyone isn’t making these from scratch every time for every platform?
I’m willing to buy an asset pack if it solves this issue and lets me continue using the XR systems. Most packs however are not clear if they are built for the Oculus framework or XR input framework. If someone has a recommendation, I’m open to spend some cash to get an intuitive controller working.