Hi there
i have a big problem and i try for weeks now to find a solution but i dont get it.
When ever i want to move a GameObject it just moves straight to the camera (0,0,0) and stays there. I think it is a very small thing that i forgot… a checkmark or i dont know…
Maybe someone had the exact same problem or knows what i do wrong…
i tried different Unity Versions from 2019.4 LTS to the newest 2020.2.5 with old or mixed Inputsystem.
in a simple scene with only:
AR Session Origin
- AR Session Origin (Script)
- AR Plane Manager (Script)
- AR Raycast Manager (Script)
AR Camera
- Camera
- Tracked Pose Driver
- AR Camera Manager (Script)
- AR Camera Background (Script)
- AR Gesture Interactor (Script)
AR Session
- AR Session (Script)
- AR Input Manager (Script)
- XR Interaction Manager (Script)
GameObject (Cube) with:
AR Rotation Interactable
AR Selection Interactable
AR Translation Interactable