XR Interaction Toolkit grabbables into moving parent

The XRI package automatically parents a grabbed object at the scene root, while it is grabbed.
That is problematic when a grabbable has to be child of a moving object.
How can one achieve something like a lever into a minecart ? Or a wheel into a car ? As soon as the object is grabbed it won’t follow the “vehicle” anymore, I’m kinda lost here…

We currently don’t have an option to leave the object parented for XRGrabInteractables. For things in a car that need to remain static, you can look at some of our examples that do not reparent when interacted with: XR-Interaction-Toolkit-Examples/Assets/XRI_Examples/UI_3D/Scripts at main · Unity-Technologies/XR-Interaction-Toolkit-Examples · GitHub
I will talk to the team about adding some options for reparenting in a future version of XRI.

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