XR-Interaction-Toolkit Near-Far-Interactor pushes away grabbed object

Curve Interaction caster in NearFarInteractor pushes away grabbed object in build, but not in Play Mode in Editor. This happens only when i try to grab with ray, not InteractionAttachController.
This bug gives error: “Infinity or NaN floating point numbers apper when calculating the transform matrix for a Collider. Scene hierarchy path “…””
using XrInteractionToolkit v 3.0.1
using default XROrigin set up from Hands Interaction Demo sample
Demonstration in video:

Hi @unity_1A8C24A0E9A2FCC2A46C , thank you for reporting this. Are you able to file a bug for this with a small reproduction in your project? You can do this from the Help > Report a Bug… menu option in the main Editor menu. Please post the incident link or ID here once you have created it and I can accelerate getting it to our team to fix.