XR Settings not showing

I am trying to make a game for the oculus quest; and the XR Settings tab usually in (Project Settings>Player) is not there. Please, help me I have been stumped and can not find a solution.


Because you have installed the Oculus plug-in in “XR Plug-in Management” XR Settings gets removed. This is because XR Settings is used for OpenVR HMD’s like the Valve Index or HTC Vive, since OpenVR is not fully supported in Unity XR yet. Because you are using the Oculus Quest, the XR Settings tab is of no use to you.

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Well, when I try to build, the apk shows in the folder I picked for a second and then disappears.

What apk and folder are you talking about, and does this have anything to do with XR settings? I don’t build for the Quest, so I don’t have any knowledge about how that process works.

Well you see I tried making a VR game in Unity without bothering with that setting and it worked perfectly so just try ignoring that XR isn’t there

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I have the same problem with my Oculus Quest. I can´t see the XR Settings in Project Settings/Player. Any advice?

If you are on 2020 or later, XR Settings is no longer in player. It is moved to XR Plug-in Management and uses the new XR SDK plug-in system.


joejo, thank you very much

Hi, I am using HTC Vive Pro as my headset and there are no option to select the headset. How can I use this headset for my VR project. And also I don’t have GPU in my computer. I know it’s required for using the headset. Can it be possible to use the headset without GPU.

I assume that the steamvr xr sdk should just work. As for gpu yeah that is needed to run a pc connected device.

I, too, have been getting odd results trying to obtain UnityEngine.XR.XRSettings to reflect what’s configured in the editor.

Here are excerpts of the XRSettings and the eyeTextureDesc when queried upon starting a simple test app.

    deviceEyeTextureDimension: None
    enabled: true
    eyeTextureDesc: {UnityEngine.RenderTextureDescriptor}
    eyeTextureHeight: 0
    eyeTextureResolutionScale: 1
    eyeTextureWidth: 0
    gameViewRenderMode: LeftEye
    isDeviceActive: true
    loadedDeviceName: "oculus display"
    showDeviceView: true
    stereoRenderingMode: MultiPass
    supportedDevices: string[5]
    colorFormat: ARGB32
    depthBufferBits: 24
    graphicsFormat: R8G8B8A8_UNorm
    height: 256
    vrUsage: None
    width: 256

Several settings do not match my config (i.e. stereoRenderingMode, resolution, vrUsage)

I have SinglePass/Multiview set for the Oculus XR Plugin for both Windows (for editor player) and Oculus builds. Both entries also specify to initialize XR at startup.

This result was seen in 2021.2.12f1 and reproduced in 2020.3.30f1 LTS.

I’m having trouble instantiating a proper RenderTexture for the display and it seems that these settings are complicating shader development where stereo settings are not present in the shader.



Yeah I don’t understand the reasoning behind moving this. It’s a ton of work to fix everything broken by these changes. It would be fantastic if Unity would fix existing problems rather than shuffling stuff around in the UI.

Right now I have a Vuforia project that broke by updating from 2020 to 2021, and an Oculus / Vive project that can no longer function as a single project, because of changes to the XR system.

Unnecessary changes.