XR socket Interactor Grabbing as soon as game starts and does not let go

Title explains most of what is going on, here is a screenshot of my socket interactor setup, and an image of the socket near the interactibles to show that it shouldn’t do this.

Another side effect is that once im in the game and one of the magazines is snapped to the socket, i can grab it and take it out, but if I don’t put something else in the snap socket, letting it go will simply snap it back into the socket.

It’s also worth noting that all the while i am holding the interactible away from it, the hover mesh does still show, so maybe the socket doesn’t register unhovering or something.

Does anyone know what I’m doing wrong?

Hello @c0der23, I’m also having the same kind of problem in Unity 6 Preview with XR Interaction Toolkit 3.0.5.

After some testing, here is what I noticed:
If I leave a grab interactable object inside the socket interactor then exit playmode, when entering playmode again, the interactable snaps to the socket and the socket does not let it go as you said it. Even if I pull the object outside the socket trigger, the hover mesh renderer shows.

I was looking at the XR Interaction Debugger window and it looks like the socket still thinks the interactable is a valid target, so it snaps back to the interactor.

If I close the editor and open the project again the socket goes back to normal, but the problem happens again if I leave playmode with a interactable inside an interactor.

I also tried to replicate this problem in Unity 2022.3 with XR Interaction Toolkit 2.5.4, but didn’t have any problems.

I think this is just a bug with XR Interaction Toolkit 3. This might be an editor only problem. Maybe the XR Interaction Manager or the XR Socket Interactor are not being cleaned up after exiting playmode?

Are you also using XR Interaction Toolkit 3 with Unity 6?

I believe this issue has been fixed in Unity 6000.0.20f1 with OnTriggerStay is called indefinitely after first time it is triggered when there is no GameObject inside the trigger. That version should be going public sometime around 9/19/2024. The original change that triggered this bug was only in Unity 6 Preview, so 2022.3 LTS should work fine.

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You are right! XRI 3 is working fine with 2022.3 LTS. Thanks for letting me know about this and the fix! I will test the socket interaction when 6000.0.20f1 drops.