I am developing a VR game and within a couple days in have encountered a shader/object transparency render problem. Whenever I tilt my head with the XR Rig in my Oculus, objects in front of my water shader have transparency to skybox pixels for a couple of seconds before “re-aligning”.
Any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated. A picture will be provided.
FYI: This is Unity 2022.3.4
Can you share which shaders you are using? It could help us determine the source of the problem.
UPDATE: The water shader was a modified version of a 3rd party Shader Graph made by Jettelly, however, I found that wasn’t the problem. Nonetheless, I’ll still share them for your investigation.
The problem turned out to be latent depth tests which had to be from a messed up setting in my project’s Universal Render Pipeline settings. I came to this conclusion because after re-making a new URP project with a fresh new URP asset, the same water shader I used above was imported and it produced no “skybox shadow” effects.
For now, I am still moving forward with the project’s schedule, but if I have time at the end I’ll go back and see what precisely caused my issue.
9228006–1288779–WaterShader.zip (21.8 KB)