Is there a way to pick up an interactable with two hands? Not by setting up two separate colliders I’d like to have one collider and both hands be able to hold it at the same time. As it is now the second hand takes over the object and forces the first hand to release. Thanks in advance.
i’d also like to hear any solutions for this
We’ve heard this request multiple times; do you mind submitting this request (if you haven’t already) in our XRI public roadmap so the team can prioritize and plan appropriately? Thanks!
Valem recently put together a video that shows how to do this with the Unity XR Interaction Toolkit:
At the moment, a workaround is to have two interactables that communicate to a common manager to orchestrate the two handed interaction. Also thanks for putting in a feature request!
Is there a support for two handed grab yet? Because I found this Class XRDualGrabFreeTransformer | XR Interaction Toolkit | 2.2.0
I tried to use it but didn’t know how to use it in my project.
If you change your Select Mode to Multiple, you can use more than one hand on an object, optionally setting up to two attach transforms.
Hey @alsharefeeee ,
What @DugganSC said is correct. You can change the Select Mode to multiple and from there you have 2 options. You will want to expand the Grab Transformers Configuration area in the Inspector for the Interactable object. By default, the checkbox for Add Default Grab Transformers should be checked. This will add the XR General Grab Transformer, which supports single and multiple grabs in one. You can also add the specific Transformer you want to use, uncheck Add Default Grab Transformer and then drag the Transformer into the appropriate lists for Starting Multiple Grab Transformers or Starting Single Grab Transformers.
The advantage of this approach, specifically for the XR General Grab Transformer, is that you can further configure options for how the object behaves when grabbed with 2 hands and turn on other features such as 2-handed scaling or movement constraints.
Has anyone figured out a solution for handlebars? I was hoping to control the rotation using two attach points, set to multiple, and putting the whole thing on a hinge joint. That didn’t really work out (probably user error lol).
Instead I’m trying to match my handlebar rotation to a vector drawn between the player’s hands.
That should work fine with a dynamic attach with multi grab.
You can also add the general grab transformer component on your grab interactable to configure 2 handed grab behavior. This is added automatically at runtime if not present, and it has different 2 hand rotation options.
Also if you manually assign both attach transforms on the grab interactable you can chose where the controllers will latch onto during a grab.