XR (VR) interaction toolkit + "new" input actions system / Is this the right way to do it?

Although I’m quite new to Unity, I have managed to setup a working control scheme for my VR application using Input Actions set to “Invoke Unity Events”.

Then I wrote a script “PlayerControls” to handle the inputs like rotation and movement.
Example function that rotates my VR rig around Y axis in response to right handed thumbstick
(deadzone, and curve boolean are public variables).

public void R_axis(InputAction.CallbackContext context)
        if (context.performed)
            Vector2 axis = context.ReadValue<Vector2>();

            if (Mathf.Abs(axis.x)  > axis_deadzone)
                if (axis_squared_curve)
                    axis.x = axis.x * axis.x * Mathf.Sign(axis.x);

                character_transform.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, axis.x * Time.deltaTime * camera_rotation_speed, 0));


Then I selected the “Player Input” component on my VR rig to use my input actions here “InputMaster” to call specific functions from the script.

It seems to work quite good, just a little bit jittery.

Could it be the problem of updating transforms at the same time as valid input is detected? Is there a better, more robust and simple method to implement input or is it as good as it gets?

The best way to do it at the moment is replace the XRController with your own custom one that uses the new input system. We’ll have something here shortly :slight_smile: