XRSocketInteractor not working in the build

Hello guys, I have a problem. I created a VR project for Oculus Rift S using XR Interaction Toolkit. Then I built it, but in the build the XRSocketInteractor class is not working. Anyone has the same problem? How can I fix it?

I tried to open the example scene of Unity and build it and here the XRSocketInteractor is working well. One thing that I’ve noticed is that here there is the default rendering pipeline while in my project I’m using the Universal Rendering Pepeline.

I read that URP causes problems with XR, maybe is it the problem?

Thank you!

I found the problem. is URP! When you use URP as rendering pipeline you get this kind of problems. I tried to remove it from the project and use Standard Renderind Pipeline and all works correctly.

Good find. Please report as bug though, so it has a chance to get addressed.

Standard is - sadly - still the most reliable when it comes to VR…sounds weird, but is definitely what we found out in our client projects the hard way. Also offers more features to “tweak” things towards what you need instead of enforcing hard limits…