XSI for unity

Hello everybody,

I just start to play with unity , trying to see how I can figure out importing 3D assets in it.

Well I work with XSI, and I tested out animation export,
and I have a little question about that.

look like animation who are done on the effector in XSI ( kind of Ik ), doesn’t work on the bone inside unity…So well I guess it is because i have to bake it ( IK/constrain things ) but there isn’t this feature at export for XSI and inside unity , the bake animation in the import setting check box is grayed out , i can’t check it.

I didn’t test out lot of things right know so maybe I will figure out , but if some of you guys , using XSI and get to have bone animation without trouble, just let me know.

I use crosswalk 3.0, the last update, with XSI 6.5 for the moment.

Thanks for reading :wink:

You need to plot the IK and constraints into timeline. We haven’t try Baked IK animation options, as we started to work before that was available, so you might be able skip some plotting parts.

If your model and animations works in XSI after Crosswalk → Export to FBX ; Import FBX, it is likely to work in Unity.

Neutral pose will mess things up, so do not use it.

Constraints will not come thought to Unity, you need to plot them (following is from our animators notes): Select effectors used in IK/FK blending, and mark local position parameters (Kinematics → Constraints → Pose Cns → Pos X, Y, Z) from Explorer. Plot marked parameters from first to last keyframe. If you have used knee or elbow contollers you have to plot them first using marked parameters. The chain’s up-vector constraint is different from a “regular” constraint and needs to be plotted separately.

thanks for the info !I am going to try that as well.

Hi there,

Well after plotting animation all goes well , thanks for the info, i was thinking that like maya the exporter should do it ^^.
It do it, if you use crosswalk and .xsi for maya , then you get your model from XSI in maya correctly and if you load back teh .XSI in XSI you can then re-export in FBX.

I am going to re-test well using XSI CDK and I will post my “How to do”,

this can be usefull if a clone of me come with same question ^^.

See you soon everybody !