XSI or C4D?

I have a thread going on about this in the Luxology forums as well… just wanted to get you input. First off which would you recommend for CA for games and 3D movies. Second, does either one play particularly well or bad with Unity?


I like XSI much better than C4D. But, C4D is better for Unity because a) It’s a mac application b) Direct export into Unity.

I dont know about movies, but XSI is more popular in game making than C4D. The free XSI Mod tool definitely helps in that department. Plus you can get into XSI for $500.

The $500 version seems to have disappeared.

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I use XSI 5.11 and have had no problems using it with Unity.

Someone, however, did say that it is hard to get two seperate UV sets on a single model into Unity because the .FBX exporter doesn’t support it. They did come up with a work-around though, if you search the form for XSI you should find it.


I would think Collada would help out with that… granted I don’t know all the specifics but it seems like its supported to resolve that very sort of thing.


They tried that, no such luck directly. They had to add a few steps to get it to work IIRC.

It can never be easy can it? :wink:
