y value doesn't update

Hi! I’m writing a C# Script to move camera. For changing its coordinate value, firstly I change the components values of a Vector3, that I named “posizione”, then I pass this vector3 to transform.position. The X and Z coordinates are updated, but Y doesn’t update. I don’t fixed this value in another part of the scipt and in others scripts. It is so strange! I will be very greatfull if someone can help me.
You can move camera around the player y axis by pressing “A” and “s”, and pressing “W” and “Z” you can move the camera up and down. When camera moves up and down, his x angle change so you can always see the player. Here you are a picture that can help you to understand camera movements (“gio” is an object where I storage the player object):

Here you are the entire camera movement script:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class MainCamera : MonoBehaviour {

	float x_camera;
	float y_camera;
	float z_camera;
	float x_angle;
	float y_angle;
	float z_angle;	
	float x_siny;
	float z_cosy;
	float y_sinx;
	float distanza;
	Giocatore gio;
	GameObject go;
	Vector3 posizione;
	Vector3 direzione;
	Vector3 angolazione;

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		gio = gameObject.AddComponent<Giocatore>();
		posizione = new Vector3();
		go = new GameObject();
		direzione = new Vector3();
		distanza = 5f;
		// get player position and angles
		// find the player object and put it into an GameObject object
		go = GameObject.FindWithTag("giocatore");
		// now, convert "go" in an "Giocatore" object simply putting it into a "Giocatore" object
		// "Giocatore" is the class of the player object
		gio = go.gameObject.GetComponent<Giocatore>();

		//inizialization of the camera angles and others variables:
		angolazione = new Vector3();
		x_angle = 0f;
		y_angle = 0f;
		z_angle = 0f;
		x_siny = 0f;
	    z_cosy = 0f;
		y_sinx = 0f;
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {
		// this function allow to the camera to follow the player and stay at a fixed distance from it

		// this function allow us to move the camera around the player

	void rincorri()	{

		// let's calculate x_siny, z_cosy and y_sinx, multiplying this values for "distanza" (the fixed distance of the camera from the player) 
		// we can find the distance of the camera from the player in terms of x, z and y coordinates
		x_siny = -Mathf.Sin(grad_to_rad(gio.angolazione.y + y_angle));
		z_cosy = -Mathf.Cos(grad_to_rad(gio.angolazione.y + y_angle));
		y_sinx = Mathf.Sin(grad_to_rad(x_angle));
		// when we raise the camera, it roll on its x axis

		// now let's define the camera position. "posizione" is a Vector3 where we storage the new values of the camera coordinates

			posizione.x = gio.transform.position.x + distanza*Mathf.Cos(grad_to_rad(x_angle))*(x_siny);
		    posizione.y = gio.transform.position.y + distanza*(y_sinx);
			posizione.z = gio.transform.position.z + distanza*Mathf.Cos(grad_to_rad(x_angle))*(z_cosy);
		// ---------> HERE THE PROBLEM <--------
		// now we pass the vector3 "posizione" to the vector3 "transform.position". 
		// In this way we update the camera position, but y coordinate not. I debug "posizione.y" and his value is right, but the camera stay
		// at the same y coordinate of the player.
		this.transform.position = posizione;
		Debug.Log("posizione telecamera: " + transform.position);


	void Muovi()
			y_angle = y_angle + accel(4f,4f);
		else if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S))
			y_angle = y_angle + accel(4f,-4f);
		{y_angle = y_angle + accel(5f,0f);}
		if((transform.rotation.x >= 0 && transform.rotation.x <= 90) || (transform.rotation.x < 0 && transform.rotation.x >= -90))
			{x_angle = x_angle + 4f;}
			else if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Z))
			{x_angle = x_angle - 4f;}
		if(x_angle > 90)
		{x_angle = 90;}
		if(x_angle < -90)
		{x_angle = -90;}

        // now we update the angles values
		angolazione.x = x_angle;
		angolazione.y = gio.transform.eulerAngles.y + y_angle;
		angolazione.z = z_angle;
		transform.eulerAngles = angolazione; 


// this function convert angles from degrees to radiant
	float grad_to_rad(float angolo)
	{return (angolo * Mathf.PI)/180;}

	// this function put a limit to the growing of a value 
	float y=0, x=0;
	float smooth(float pendenza, float max_value)
		if(y > max_value)
				y = pendenza*x;
				x = x - 0.01f;
		else if(y < max_value) // acceleration
			y = pendenza*x;
			x = x + 0.01f;
			if(y >= max_value)
			{y = max_value;}

		if(Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.A) || Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.S))
		{x = x/2;}
		return y;

// this function put a limit to the growing of a value 
	float y_value=0, x_value=0;
	bool can;
	bool mangia; // quando è "true" si attiva la funzione crescita
	float accel(float pendenza, float max_value)
		if(y_value > max_value)
				y_value = pendenza*x_value;
				x_value = x_value - 0.01f;
		else if(y_value < max_value) // accelerazione
			y_value = pendenza*x_value;
			x_value = x_value + 0.01f;
			if(y_value >= max_value)
			{y_value = max_value;}
		return y_value;

I think your code is a bit overkill for what you are trying to achieve :slight_smile:
Here is much simpler way (attach to the camera game object):

public Transform player;
public float speed = 1f;

private void Update()
        transform.RotateAround(player.position, Vector3.up, 1 * speed);
    if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S))
        transform.RotateAround(player.position, Vector3.up, -1 * speed);
    if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W))
        transform.RotateAround(player.position, transform.right, 1 * speed);
    if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Z))
        transform.RotateAround(player.position, transform.right, -1 * speed);