Yellow numbers sometimes show up in each editor window after compiling scripts

Does anyone know where these numbers come from and how I can turn it off? I have to restart the editor multiple times a day because these numbers have a chance to appear completely unprompted after the automatic compiling when making changes to a script.

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i have same problem, and i don not install fraps on my PC, what is this

i think its not unity UI, its like overlay

has anyone found a solution?

Does nobody here have any idea? So far each and every single question I have asked here has gotten completely ignored.

This is Fraps, a screen recording application running in the background. Either close it or disable it’s FPS display.

Turns out this has nothing to do with Unity itself even though that seems to be by far the most common trigger for the issue, it’s actually coming from the anti-lag feature in the AMD graphics drivers. You can enable anti-lag in the graphics settings to get rid of the numbers.