Yes Unity 5.5 new compiler and GC!

Thank You Unity!

Darn it though with instancing, IL2CPP on all platforms (see slide 5.4) and a new GC I’ll have nothing to complain about…

Hmm, any chance you could you know add GPU parallel processing to C#, Please?

EDIT: Might be in here?


You’ll find something … :smile:


It only says 5.5 will have new compiler but not the others or else the 5.5 would be in the main entry?

With the current pace of the betas and coming summer + holidays, 5.5 sounds like it’s coming at the end of the year and then its already close to Unity 6 next year… very depressing in the light of the new pricing scheme.

I hope someone who attended the roadmap session can prove me wrong :slight_smile:

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I’d love more info on the new compiler and GC :slight_smile:


You need to look at the photos they have taken of the slides.

Hopefully they will put the video up of this session?

I don’t get what’s with the instancing stuff… why custom shaders? Shouldn’t it just be if meshes are identical they are instanced?

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Good point. There is probably overhead for instancing, e.g. shared arrays, set up, which could be wasted when you only have a few things. A bit like using SIMD or Multi-threading, only worth doing if there is a big enough ‘batch’ to process to make it worth the overhead.

Yes, that’s what I was looking at. Even the twitter post says only about compiler in 5.5 which does not include everything. For the rest they have been under works or research for years which does not mean much for the other points :slight_smile:

Good stuff.

The way Mono/.NET works if you upgrade your version you tend to get a newer GC right?

The latest versions have some great GC updates for high performance servers that could be ideal for games.

Good but dated 2014 article here →

Or Unity could adopt something like this →

Well they are talking only about compiler for 5.5. You can even use Roslyn with Unity currently if you set it up. However AFAIK the gc is part of the runtime or separate thing they customized to work with mono or IL2CPP.

Last line under .Net/MONO Upgrade (Yay!) section GC!

Yes, GC is just one step under the topic just like compiler is as first step of em all and planned for 5.5, or that’s how I see it.

Did you actually watch the video? You misread the slides. You should listen to what Ralph actually said.


Just watching the video now. Was going off the indentation and limited information on the slides and my now collapsed optimism. :frowning:

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Start on game now and by the time finished you get new garbage collection and perhaps some additional all around bit of increased performance as well. :slight_smile:


You still need to code correctly :stuck_out_tongue:


GC Allocation →

GC Update? →

Firewatch (2016) ‘Hiccups’ →

Yes you still need to code correctly even with a improved GC compiler. Or to say it more correctly. “You still need to take responsible for what your codes does”. Avoiding repeated allocation is not that difficult. But allocation that comes from the UI or Unity engine/editor it self, it something i am looking forward to see improvements on. Specially on canvas and UI elements. But IL2CPP is def the right direction for Unity. But you still need to code correctly :slight_smile:

We have had this conversation before we disagree →

But it’s good to see that Unity is working on the a solution to the problem and have a ‘roadmap’.