I am unable to make new projects… It will make a useless file name of the project in the Hub when I attempt to make a new project but it doesn’t go to the location its supposed to, desktop, or an external for example, basically it thinks its making a project file that ends up not existing… I had this same problem with Unity Hub 3.0.0 where it wouldn’t allow me to make new projects or open new ones and this would pop-up… This is the error message I get when tying to make a new project and for whatever reason the Unity website will not let me post the .json logs related to the project.
I can get around the issue now that I’ve just out right deleted the Unity Hub, now I can make a project from clicking said version of Unity without the Hub screwing me around. The Unity Hub seriously needs to be revised or just removed if annual bug outs are going to be the norm.
I still can’t get it to function… Even if i delete the Hub and open files directly from there version of unity I can’t make URP or HDRP projects and I have NO access to my package manager. This is infuriating.