I am currently trying to port an existing application to Unity, and when it comes to resources loading, problems arise…
I fumbled for a while until I found about the “.bytes” extension required to load binary files and … it still didn’t work.
My files begin with a magic number and a version number like follows :
0x504D425200000200 (in hexa)
which can be read in ASCII as : PMBR.... (the last 4 characters are not writable)
when I load a file, I obtains only the first 4 bytes.
A few experiments later, I tried on a hunch to change the first byte to a hex value > 128 and it finally worked !
But this solution feel dirty, I have to modify the content of my resources (in addition to changing the extension) and what guaranty do I have that it will work with all my files ?
Does anyone know of a true solution to this problem ?
Edit :
To clarify my question, here is what I think happens :
If a file starts with ASCII characters (< 0x80), Resources.load(“myFile”, typeof(TextAsset)) loads the file into a string and TextAsset.bytes returns the bytes of the string.
So if a file contains 0x0000 (or just 0x00 ?) the file is cut when loaded to a string and so, TextAsset.bytes returns only the bytes available in the string (0x504D4252 in my case). -
If on the contrary the file starts with a non-ASCII character (> 0x80), it is handled as a binary file and there is no problem when loading it
Hava you already encountered such behavior ? how did you handle it ?