Yet Another Visual Effect

Just started to write effect that i discovered several years ago and can be achieved only in CMYK color space. Sorry for the large images …

You can also test this simple effect. Take any picture in photoshop and change the Mode to CMYK color. Put a medium/strong Gaussian blur to the Cyan, Magenta and Yellow color channels, but leave the Key (black) as it is. This is little bit different than Bloom/Glow.

This is what i’m trying to achieve. (This ones made in Photoshop)

And this is where i’m right now. (Shots from Unity)

The Photoshop handles the Key color somehow different (and much better :wink: ) than my shader, but this is the first draft of the effect.
The Black channels Contrast is out of limits, but thats next on the list :slight_smile:

I actually like the Unity visuals better than the Photoshop version. I’m always interested in seeing stylized rendering techniques, even if it’s just a post-processing filter :slight_smile:

Keep it coming rouhee!

Well, I also like the unity version :slight_smile:

I agree with the 2 previous posts. I like the Unity version better.

I’m agreeing with the posters above me. I also like the unity version much better.

That photoshop screen just looks like another bloom.

I do like the style you’ve achieved so far in Unity, but of course, there is still some work needed to obtain the desired result.

Good luck in your endeavour and make sure to keep us posted. I would love to see this shader achieved in Unity :slight_smile:

Keep up the great work!

A similar trick (which may be easier, math-wise) is to convert the colors to HSL or HSV, then blur the Hue and the Saturation, but leave the Lightnesss/Value alone.

Also, if this is possible, I wonder if local contrast (Local Contrast Enhancement) is as well… that would be really neat!

Cool effect though; can’t wait to see more!

well it now has ContrastPower and ContrastBias so the style can be changed very efficiently.

Heres the Original Image:

And heres with some Adjusted parameters:

I’m including the script and the shader so everyone can test this. (Requires Pro!!)
Everyone can also use it anyways they liked it, just don’t comment the code! :wink: I know it is not optimized …

And if someone finds this useful, please tell me.

200298–7375–$rouheedreamshader_163.unitypackage (4.18 KB)

Great effect! Many thanks for sharing this (downloading now). Can’t wait to give it a trial run.


Very nice effect, thanks for sharing this! Might be worth posting on the wiki so it doesn’t get lost to eternity… :wink:

Almost forgot, but this can be found also in the Wiki.

i have unity 3.3 can You fix the Script so it will work. when I import it i get a this Error “error CS0103: The name BlendMode' does not exist in the current context" and this "error CS1501: No overload for method Blit’ takes `3’ arguments” can you fix this i do not know how or i would do it.

Anyone else having trouble viewing the photos?

Can’t see them eigther.

I guess they’re probably been autocleaned by a cron job because the URL makes it look like they reside at a dynamic ip address.

I’m downloading the package and see what it does. It sounds nice.

The topic is originally from 2009. The photos are no longer hosted.