The problem is as soon as the code runs only the last function output is visible as there is obviously no yield statement anywhere.
Now, I have tried with Coroutines and Yields in various combinations but absolutly none of it is working for me…Whats the easiest way to chain a sequence of functions??
BTW also when I do… yield StartCoroutine("hintOverlayScript.ActivateHintOverlay(4,1)"); I get a cannot start coroutine error…why?
Right now you have all four calls in the same function. Have function 1, when it’s done, call function 2. When function 2 is done, have it call function 3. This will ensure that function 2 doesn’t start until 1 is complete.
I could do. The problem is that this series of texts is kind of an intro and I use the same function to bring up hint boxes individually later in the game.
As soon as I start putting in things like if(intro) it start to mess up the function…I guess what I’m sayigh is that is a messy way to do it and I’d like to be a bit tidier.
Although I may resort to the ‘bish,bash,bosh method’ soon