Yield not working? JS

Hello all,

I'm having trouble using yield in order to wait for a particle emitter's particles to die before killing the emitter. I've read most of the related questions that Answers provides, but I still can't figure it out. Code:

var explosion : GameObject;

function OnCollisionEnter( collision : Collision )
    var contact : ContactPoint = collision.contacts[0];
    var rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation( Vector3.up, contact.normal );
    var instantiatedExplosion : GameObject = Instantiate(explosion, contact.point, rotation );
    var core = transform.Find("Core");
    core.GetComponent(ParticleEmitter).emit = false;
    core.transform.parent = null;
    Destroy(core, 3);
    print("HI"); //Print Out
    // Waits 5 seconds
    yield WaitForSeconds (5.0);
    print("Bye"); //Print Out
    instantiatedExplosion.transform.Find("smoke").GetComponent(ParticleEmitter).emit = false;
    Destroy (instantiatedExplosion, 2);

How come yield isn't working here? "Bye" never shows up. Or perhaps

Since you're destroying the game object, there is no more script to run anymore. It's gone the next frame. Anyway, you don't need to do that manually, you can just use autodestruct on the particle system.