Hi everyone,
I asked this question on the Vuforia forum but as they told me, it’s indeed related to the Unity engine, and not the Vuforia one. So I’m asking the question here.
I’m currently developing an AR app for Android and iOS devices using Unity and Vuforia.
I’m loading dynamically 3D Objects (stored in BundleAssets) from an external server when a certain ImageTarget is recognized (with Cloud Recognition).
I managed to make a loading bar related to the loading of the server and one related to the creation of the 3D Object using the .progress attribute. But I can’t find a way to do one on the creation of the BundleAsset.
Does anyone have an idea? Here’s a snippet of my code:
// Start a download of the given URL
www = WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload (BundleURL+name+".unity3d", 1);
// Wait for download to complete
yield return www;
// Load and retrieve the AssetBundle
AssetBundle bundle = www.assetBundle;
// Load the object asynchronously
request = bundle.LoadAsync (name, typeof(GameObject));
// Wait for completion
yield return request;
I read there yield on WWW? or AssetBundleRequest? or both? - Unity Answers that it’s supposed to be quite fast but it can take up to 10s with the large 3D Objects I’m using and a mobile connection…