Yield WaitForSecond is skipping after the first time.

When it repeats the function, it doesn’t do the Yield, but if I go out of the range and go back into the range (See code for what I mean) it will do the yield, but if I stay in the range it just keep going and going without a pause.

function Update () {
	//Follow function
	var playerPos = player.transform.position;
	dist = Vector3.Distance(playerPos,transform.position);
	if (dist > 1.0 && attack == false) {
		transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, player.transform.position, Time.deltaTime*speed);
	else {
		attack = true;
		if (attack == true) {

function attackPlayer() {
	yield WaitForSeconds(1.2);
	if( dist < 1.0 ) {
		var	pStats = player.GetComponent(playerStats);
		pStats.pLife -= baseDamage;
		pLife = pStats.pLife;
	attack = false;

If you want to respect an interval of 1.2s between attacks, the logic is wrong. WaitForSeconds only stops coroutines, not Update - you should use the boolean attack in a different manner in order to inhibit attacks while the coroutine is running:

function Update(){
    if (dist > 1.0) { // out of attack range: chase player
        transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, player.transform.position, Time.deltaTime*speed);
    else // inside range: attack! 
    if (attack == false){ // but only if interval ended

function attackPlayer() {
    attack = true; // attacking now - don't call attackPlayer!
    var pStats = player.GetComponent(playerStats);
    pStats.pLife -= baseDamage; // apply damage
    pLife = pStats.pLife;
    yield WaitForSeconds(1.2); // wait interval
    attack = false; // interval ended: can attack again

In such a case it’s way easier to use just a coroutine without Update:

function Start()
    var pStats = player.GetComponent(playerStats);
        var playerPos = player.transform.position;
        if (Vector3.Distance(playerPos,transform.position) < 1.0)
            yield WaitForSeconds(1.2);
            while(Vector3.Distance(playerPos,transform.position) < 1.0)
                pStats.pLife -= baseDamage;
                pLife = pStats.pLife;
                yield WaitForSeconds(1.2);
            transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, player.transform.position, Time.deltaTime*speed);

Just make sure you always yield each iteration or it will crash your game :wink: