yield waitforseconds doesnt work on function start

Hi guys, I have a script where you press a button then an object comes true, and that object has a timer script on it that says:

var Example1 : GameObject;
var Example2 : GameObject;

function Start () {

yield WaitForSeconds (60);


The first time it works but when the timer stops the button comes back so the player can click it again but the timer does not work the second time. Any help appreciated! (This game is being released 31/10/15 so please help quick!)

Start is only called once during the lifetime of an object. Unless you destroy and re-instantiate the object that this script is attached to, your coroutine will only ever run once.

If you don’t want to destroy and re-instantiate, try calling your button coroutine from OnEnable() instead. (You will need to make a new coroutine rather than using Start()).

var Example1 : GameObject;
var Example2 : GameObject;

 function Start() {
        InvokeRepeating("repeat", 60f, 60f);

function repeat(){

I think that’s it