I have implemented a tooltip on my customized buttons. Now my target is to visualize this tooltip after a few seconds that the mouse is on the button…
I have read some post about the “WaitForSeconds” function (such as: http://forum.unity3d.com/viewtopic.php?t=13692&highlight=yeild+yield), but I think I’m a little bit confused…:roll:
private var wait : boolean = true;
if(GUI.tooltip != ""){
tooltipSize = myStyle.CalcSize(GUIContent(GUI.tooltip));
GUI.Label(Rect (Event.current.mousePosition.x-150,Event.current.mousePosition.y-100,tooltipSize.x+50,tooltipSize.y+50), GUI.tooltip, myStyle);
public function tooltipWait (seconds : float) {
wait = false;
yield WaitForSeconds(seconds);
wait = true;
It doesn’t appear…
Thanx for the help…