yield WaitForSeconds() problem

Hello, I am having some trouble with having my game wait for a powerup to finish and then deactivating it when the time is up. The basic idea is when the powerup collides with the player, it activates the powerup, waits for x amount of seconds, and deactivates the powerup. However, with the code I have, it is only activating and never deactivating. The code after my WaitForSeconds(3) is never ran and i do not know why.

	public void OnCollisionEnter2D( Collision2D collision ){

		if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Player") {
				isActive = false;
				gameObject.renderer.enabled = false;
				StartCoroutine( activatePowerup( collision.gameObject ) );

			Debug.Log ("Hit player");

		}else if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Ground") {


	public IEnumerator activatePowerup( GameObject player ){
		player.GetComponent<Player>().setAttackDelaySeconds (0.25f);
		Debug.Log ("Powerup Activated");
		yield return new WaitForSeconds(3);	
		Debug.Log ("Finisehd waiting");
		deactivatePowerup ( player );


	public void deactivatePowerup( GameObject player ){
		player.GetComponent<Player> ().setAttackDelaySeconds (0.75f);
		Debug.Log ("Powerup Finished");
		Destroy (gameObject);

Try putting the 3 in quotes. “”

I figured out the problem with my code. The error was because if the powerup collided with the ground, is deletes the powerup, so if the player catches the power up, it will hit the ground and destroy itself before the powerup wore off, so it would never revert the effects of the powerup.

fixed by changing
}else if (collision.gameObject.tag == “Ground”) {


}else if (isActive && collision.gameObject.tag == "Ground") {